Follow the Money
PSC - District 3 Edition
Commissioner Lambert Bossiere III…
A political career funded by the very entities he was elected to regulate. We make no assumptions on Commissioner Bossiere’s character, but how can one be trusted to equitably regulate and hold to account the same companies funding to keep him in office?

A career funded by the industries & companies he was elected to regulate
Analyzing the campaign contributions and expenses of Lambert Boissieire uncovered a deep seated investment by utility providers and other special interest into the success of his political career, including influential corporations like Entergy, AT&T & Cleco Power to name a few.
We discerned a pattern of these companies along with numerous political action committees (PACs), various lobbyist and consultants, and law firms who have regularly contributed to Commissioner Boissiere over the years. Sadly, what appears to be Mr. Boissiere’s smallest pool of contributions would seem to come from ordinary people like you and me who only accounted for 1% of all his campaign contributions.
Boissiere's Contributions
Boissiere's Expenses

Out of almost 400 campaign donations less than 20 normal contributions

Read through the report here:
We’ve gone through and categorized the last 11 years of Commissioner Boissiere’s campaign contributions and expenses so you don’t have to. Click the links below to download the full spread sheets.

Watch the PSC District 3 Forum
Voters Organized to Educate hosted a community candidate forum for the Public Service Commission - District 3 race on September 27, 2022 in New Orleans, LA at our main campus.
Four of the qualifying candidates were in attendance: (Lambert Boissiere, Gregory Manning, Davante Lewis, Willie Jones)