City Watch
Voters Organized
Sign Up for Upcoming Actions Here!
We’re showing up and staying engaged to build constructive partnerships with the leaders we helped get into office, grow our coalition and standing as a constant reminder to our opposition but WE NEED YOU TO JOIN US!

Adding our voice to the conversation..
We’re bringing our own seat to the table & putting ineffective elected officials on notice.

Organizing our members to be more active in the day to day affairs of our local elected officials, and adding our thoughts and experiences to the discourse.

Holding our elected leaders accountable..
Ranging from the city council and mayor’s office down to sewage and water and public works we're keeping track of the record.

Upcoming Actions.
We’re showing up and staying engaged to build constructive partnerships with the leaders we helped get into office, grow our coalition and standing as a constant reminder to our opposition but WE NEED YOU TO JOIN US!