Equal Participation for All Residents

Voting Rights.
Voting rights are the cornerstone of democracy, and all people in the community deserve the right to vote. America was created under the banner “no taxation without representation,” and yet thousands of Louisianans are barred from the ballot box based on controversial state laws that were passed four decades ago.
We call on elected officials to support the repeal of state law barring people under community supervision from voting and encourage all people to take part in the democratic process.

No profiling based on race, religion, birthplace or identity.
Louisiana has a beautiful cultural tradition that melds people and ideas from around the world, sharing our spirit with millions of visitors every year. But for hundreds of years, our people have been and continue to be subjected to harassment, discrimination, or hate based on being labeled as an other.
We call on elected officials to ensure all government employees are setting the highest example of inclusion and unity. We will not stand for policies or practices of differential treatment due to the actual or perceived race, religion, birthplace, or self-identity of anyone in Louisiana.

Community oversight of police, courts and jails.
The police department and sheriff’s department, due to their intense power, require intense public supervision. The potential for abuse is unrivaled, and history teaches us valuable lessons on the need for public oversight.
We call on elected officials to support a strong and empowered community board that monitors public servants within the police, the court, and the jails.